Book Vincentwashere 9202

Come and enjoy the wondrous places and themes that were Vincent van Gogh’s, and view them afresh through Karin Borghouts’ lens. After filling in your details, you will be put on a secure payment terminal. Your product will be shipped within a week. You will receive a tracking code to track your shipment.

Vincent was Here

Book of Photographs

208 pages
130 colour photographs by Karin Borghouts
Texts by Xavier Canonne, director Musée de la Photographie Charleroi BE and Ron Dirven, director and curator Vincent van Goghhuis, Zundert NL
Dutch, French and English
Offset, hardcover, bound
24302,3 cm
ISBN 9789080990333
The book of photographs Vincent was here’ is a joint edition by Karin Borghouts and Ronny Van de Velde.
Shipping is free from 60 euro for Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany and Luxembourg.

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