Photography Book
Photographer Karin Borghouts followed the path of Vincent van Gogh, from his Dutch birthplace in Zundert to Auvers-sur-Oise in France where he took his own life. No less than thirteen locations, including Nuenen, Drenthe, Paris, Arles and Saint-Rémy-de-Provence are portrayed in magnificent images. She has also reconstructed more of 30 of his still lifes and photographed them.

Vincent was Here
208 pages
130 colour photographs of Karin Borghouts
Text by Xavier Canonne, Director Musée de la Photographie Charleroi and Ron Dirven, Director-curator Vincent van Goghhuis, Zundert in the Netherlands
Dutch, French and English
High quality offset by Belgian print company Graphius
24 x 30 x 2,3 cm
ISBN 9789080990333
39 euro
The Photo Book ‘Vincent was here’ by Karin Borghouts is a co-edition of Ronny Van de Velde and Karin Borghouts
Special edition Book (50 books) + archival pigment print (5 x 10 prints): 99 euro
International retail distribution:
“Karin Borghouts has her own highly personal take on Van Gogh’s work. Going beyond a thorough knowledge of his œuvre, she has visited the places where he lived and worked. That is where she took the photographs that evoke Van Gogh’s work but whose original compositions and use of colour are also marked by a powerful style that is empathically her own.”
Sjraar van Heugten
Art historian and curator, former head of Collections Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam